Wednesday, January 23, 2013


My experience with computers is writing and sharing written work online with other authors, also viewing artwork on deviantart.
By working with in class I hope to get a vbetter understanding of computer workings and hopefully learn some animation.
The relationship between computers and visual studies is that computers are more modern technology and aren't exclusively apart of art but greatly apart if the current world, typing in a word to Google images will greatly describe what most people think of  when that word comes to mind, it's a reflection of our society.
I am a tae kwon do black belt and a member of the TKD team here at temple.
Last March when crossing the street I was hit by a car on my bike. I was mostly unharmed save for my right wrist which was fractured and had to be  in a cast. At the time I beginning to apply to the visual studies program. So I applied to art school with my dominant hand in a cast. Not being able to draw for two months was incredibly frustrating as a sketcher. I got into Tyler though, so, I didn't lose too much to the car.